tangoGPS 0.99.3 is out

David Garabana Barro david at garabana.com
Thu Feb 18 11:47:47 CET 2010

On Sunday 14 February 2010 16:53:29 Marcus Bauer wrote:
> Hi,
> tangoGPS is out with lots of speed improvements and a lot less of CPU
> usage.


I have just tried it on SHR-u. 
It feels faster now, and every bit of speed are wellcome on our not-so-fast 
FR ;)

Might it be possible to add an option for selecting the first tab to show 
when "info" button is clicked?
I use a lot tangoGPS for OSM, and it would be really great for me to 
show "track" options first

Thanks a lot for your hard work, Marcus.
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