Building QtMoko

Radek Polak psonek2 at
Thu Apr 21 15:41:07 CEST 2011

On Thursday 21 April 2011 11:39:20 giacomo 'giotti' mariani wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>      just to avoid a new thread...
> I am (to be honest a friend of mine is...) trying to make some
> improvements in QtMoko.
> I was able to compile it but, after a small modification in a single
> file, I noticed that "make" took a very long time. Instead, in
> build/path/to/mod/file/ a found a "Makefile" and, there, I was able to
> generate a new, single, binary file.
> I was also able to "scp" the file on the phone and it worked perfectly.
> What I'd like to know is: is this the right way to modify and compile?

Yes, i do it the same way. You dont even have to cd to build/path/to/blabla. 
You can just do /path/to/build/bin/qbuild in directory where is 
project file.



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