QtMoko v37 for GTA02

Radek Polak psonek2 at seznam.cz
Mon Dec 12 14:07:27 CET 2011

On Monday 12 December 2011 12:31:59 fdvjoif at vodafone.it wrote:

> Hi Radek
> thank to you and to all the QtMoko developers and contributors for the
> great work!
> I would submit my wishlist:
> - WiFi and GPS icons in the title bar;
> - a third button in the context bar, maybe for the keyboard;
> - SMS and Internet/WiFi in the home screen;
> - qtmoko start/stop script:
> at least in v35 (and previous versions) if I call /etc/init.d/qtmoko
> with "restart" it doesn't work properly (most of the time I have to turn
> off the Neo). But calling "qtmoko stop" and then "qtmoko start" works
> pretty well. I don't know if it is the same script but in the Quit Menu
> (the menu that you recall with the power button) "Restart QtMoko" has a
> similar behaviour (I have to turn off the Neo). If it is so, think to
> replace "restart qtmoko" with qtmoko stop/start script.

I have fixed some restart problems with this commit:


but maybe it wasnt enough... The wishlist looks nice and should not be that 
hard to implement. I hope i will have some time during Christmas.



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