Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the GTA04 project

Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller hns at
Fri Dec 23 11:05:11 CET 2011

We did see a lot of progress this year in the
GTA04 project towards a new open handheld
mobile platform running free&open software
and trying to respect as many freedoms of the
user as possible.

We have seen the delivery of the first batch
of the Early Adopter boards (GTA04A3) and
several members of this community have greatly
improved on the kernel and user space applications.

Thanks to those brave guys!

On the hardware side the first GTA04A4 board
has been produced and tested yesterday.

After fixing three minor hardware issues and some
issues in kernel, U-Boot and MLO/X-Loader [1]
it appears that everything now works as expected!

Production rampup will continue in the first week
of January so that it will soon become possible to
deliver from stock. And, we have now a closer
cooperation with OpenPandora so that we will find
synergies in software, hardware and production.

For the group tour we already have reached 12%
subscription and you have to hurry a little since the
first early booking rebate will be sold out soon.

So here is the new "baby" GTA04A4:

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Higher resolution image:

Finally we have already made some experiments
with 3D milling and also have a new idea how we can
design a case that can be produced at shapeways.

So you can expect progress in the area of new cases
in the next weeks.

Last but not least we have improved the hub page so that it should be easier to dig into
relevant information starting at a single place.

We from Golden Delicious Computers running
the GTA04 project wish all a Merry Christmas
(or if you don't believe in christian gods: we wish
nice holidays :) and all the best for the year 2012.


[1]: major fixes:
* tristate TPS Voice PCM channel in Linux
* initialize GPIO175 and 186 in MLO and X-Loader
properly to wake up the UMTS modem
* recognize 3G wakeup on GPIO10
* made 'gps echo' command of U-Boot auto-wakeup
the GPS chip

See commits (X-Loader is not properly tracked in git):

These binaries are also compatible to the GTA04A3 board

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