GTA04 hardware suggestion and discussions : 802.11n dual-band+Bluetooth+FM transceiver (Broadcom BCM4329)

Glenn Moeller-Holst at
Fri Feb 25 19:31:33 CET 2011

At 9:18 +0100 05/02/11, Glenn Moeller-Holst wrote:
>9th January 2011, Bcm4329 driver source code:
>Quote: "...
>I tried many ways, last modified module name, unexpectedly 
>successful, it is funny.
>I use a new version of the driver code, modify and compiled, try 
>several Dflags, the result is the timeout or hardlock, so I deleted 
>all code.
>Then, I started from scratch,redownload code from 
> , Made a small 
>change, even successful.........
>the upgrade seems stable to me!
>Thanks, worked great for my kernel as well ( but still 
>can't enable IPv6. It would just give me an error on wifi. Any ideas?
>Update to FW version
>GOT IT!! Working IPv6 with good range

Hi Patryk

Not besides the above.



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