smartkeyboard and accented letter

phifmr phifmr at
Sat Jun 25 16:47:21 CEST 2011


I'm trying to use smartkeyboard with french language.

I have made a words.dawg with the french words list (/usr/share/dict/french) included in
wfrench debian package ()

$> qdawggen -d lang_LANG /usr/share/dict/french

and I've followed all the recommendations in Qtmoko FAQ.

No problem with ASCII words. They are recognized.

But words with  é, è, à are not the first time they are entered (but
they are the second time).

For example when I write "définition" the first time, I press "d" normally
but I must press and hold down on the "é" (impossible to get "é" without a
long pressure) etc...So the word "définition" is added to the dictionary
(in spite it's already in my words.dawg)

The second time I write d-e-f-i-n-i-t-i-o-n (without accent only with
[board1]) with normal pressure and the word "définition" (with accent)
is recognized (because it has been added to the dictionary).

Is there a way to make a words.dawg in such a way that accented words
are recognized the 1rst time they are entered ?

Kind regards.


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