[OT] breaking thread MUA (WAS:Re: TSM30 source found!)

Dmitry Chistikov dd1email at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 22:33:26 CEST 2011

Michael Sokolov, Sep. 30, 2011, 19:14 +0000:
> That's right, it doesn't.  It is 30 y old and well predates those
> conventions.
> [...] I cannot / will not use a "modern" mail client.
> For personal reasons which I *will not go into*.

I'm sure your skills are strong enough to improve your MUA, i.e., to teach
it how to insert proper References:/In-Reply-To:. Could you devote a small
amount of your time to this thing? I'm quite convinced that all of your
correspondents, including people reading this mailing list, will *greatly*
appreciate this.

(For me, reading broken threads is a rather unpleasant activity, and so it
may be for a significant fraction of the community at large.)

Thank you.

Dmitry Chistikov

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