TSM30 source found!

Corey corey at bitworthy.net
Thu Sep 29 21:46:16 CEST 2011

On Thursday, September 29, 2011 06:57:09 PM Michael Sokolov wrote:
> If the person who has given me the "secret" URL emails me and tells me
> that s/he does not object to that URL being posted on the list, I will
> promptly do so.  But I won't be able to do that otherwise, as the risk
> of compromising the identity of a comrade would be too great.

This comrade of yours... is incapable of simply posting here to the list
anonymously? I just don't understand why you're the middle-man 
in such a very simple situation.

To Michael's correspondent:  it'd be _somewhat_ more transparent and 
trustworthy were you to communicate (anonymously) here to the list,
rather than indirectly via Michael as an agent.

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