[QtMoko] MokoFaen v2.1

Neil Jerram neil at ossau.homelinux.net
Wed Aug 29 23:21:25 CEST 2012

francesco.devita at mailoo.org writes:

>>Just one nit: what's supposed to appear next to the globe?  I'm guessing
>>some kind of location, but I don't know what to do to make anything
>>appear there?
> Yes it is the GSM cell location. To activate it go to Appearance, open the options menu and select the main window settings, there check the location box.
> However, for me this feature doesn't work, nor in mokofaen nor in finxi. Could someone check if it works?

If I've understood the code correctly, there appears to be a missing
link between QModemNetworkRegistration, which is the first place that
gets registration and cell location info, and CellModemManager, which is
the class that sets the Telephony/Status/CellLocation value that the UI

The patch below tries to connect those two up.  It builds, but I don't
have time this evening to quickly test it.  If anyone else feels


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