server update

Sean Moss-Pultz sean at
Tue May 22 16:00:04 CEST 2012

Dear Community

(Here comes an overdue update...)

Harald, with help from Roh and Gismo, has been updating /
consolidating our server infrastructure and will soon migrate to
modern hardware.

I'm working on transferring the trademark and domain
ownership to a recognized non-profit entity in the Free Software
community. This is an important step that we've wanted to do for some
time. More details will follow.

In the meantime, we're actively looking for a volunteer with strong
sysadmin skills to continue to maintain the infrastructure after these
changes. The basic setup will consist of debian systems with apache,
lighttpd, mediawiki, trac, svn, git, exim, mailman, cyrus-imapd,
openvz, vsftpd and munin. If anyone is interested, please contact
myself and Harald off-list.

Finally, I want to give a personal thanks to Roh and Gismo for all
their work keeping our infrastructure alive.


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