[QtMoko] Hyperlink viewing and factory reset

Neil Jerram neil at ossau.homelinux.net
Tue Oct 2 20:33:33 CEST 2012

Hi there,

Below is a QtMoko patch (for the Arora submodule) for hyperlink viewing
- i.e. so that touching on a hyperlink in, say, an email causes Arora to
pop up and show the corresponding web page.

I imagine a very similar patch could be applied to Yberbrowser, but I
still mostly use Arora, so haven't looked at that in detail.  Also I
don't know what happens if there are two installed apps that both
provide the WebAccess service.

Slightly related is this story about tel: URLs in web pages with
telephone "numbers" that are actually dangerous USSD requests, and some
Android phones automatically executing those requests:


On the GTA04, with QtMoko:

- USSD requests in general are implemented; e.g. typing *#06# into the
  dialer will cause your IMEI to pop up.  This happens immediately after
  the second #, without any call button press.

- The Arora browser doesn't seem to understand tel: URLs at all, so the
  patch below isn't exposing any new danger (unless/until Arora might be
  enhanced to support tel: URLs).

- I don't know if the dialer would execute a USSD request without
  confirmation if the request came from another application, instead of
  being typed into the dialer.

- I don't know if the GTA04 has any dangerous USSD codes!

Does anyone know about the last two points?


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