Transcoding movies for QMPlayer

Gilles Filippini pini at
Sun Sep 30 18:38:29 CEST 2012


Movies transcoded with mencoder often lose A/V sync. For one of my video
files there is a 5 secondes drift after only 1 minute of playing.

I finally found out that VLC does a better job in this regard. But it
was quite difficult to retrieve the correct set of options.

FWIW here is the command line I've ended up with:

$ vlc <movie file in> --transform-type 270 --sout \
  '#transcode{vcodec=h264, \
  vfilter=transform:canvas{width=480,height=640}, \
  acodec=mp3, channels=2, audio-sync}:standard{access=file, \
  mux=mp4, dst="<movie file out>.avi"}' \
  -I dummy vlc://quit



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