Kickstarter: Open Source Graphics Processor (GPU)

Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller hns at
Sat Oct 12 18:43:39 CEST 2013

Am 09.10.2013 um 22:29 schrieb Raphael Wimmer:

> Sounds interesting (in the long term):
> "Complete Verilog implementation of a 2D/ 3D graphics processor capable of OpenGL and D3D w/ full test suite"

Oh, yes. That is what we need for our next generation Open Source "OMAP" chip!

> Should work with both Altera and Xilinx FPGAs
> Goals: $200k for 2D, $400k for 3D, ...

Well, $400k for 3D looks a little difficult to achieve, and 2D only can be done by any standard CPU quite quickly?

> It currently has only a PCI interface, however.

Well, by their open source nature it can be changed (by anyone experienced enough and having access to work with Verilog).

The main fear I have is that there is not enough funding because nobody can really use it in daily
work without investing another lots of money (to integrate the FPGA with something).


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