qtMoko getting bad Network Time

Jorge xxopxe at gmail.com
Sun Jan 4 19:15:53 CET 2015

Hi to all again:

I have a correctly set time & timezone (America/Montevideo), and when my 
qtMoko boots up, after connecting to the cellular network a weird dialog 
appears : "The network time is (GMT +34). Set this new time?". If I say 
No, everything keeps working. If I say Yes the timezone is changed to 
"GMT-34" and as expected the time is borked (00:00 1/1/1970).

I guess there is some problem requesting the timezone from the provider. 
The output from running qpe by hand is the following (just after reading 
the contacts from the SIM):

AtChat :  T : "AT+CMER=1,0,0,1,0"
AtChat :  F : "OK"
AtChat :  T : "AT+CNMI=2,1,2,0,0"
AtChat :  F : "OK"
AtChat :  T : "AT+COPS=0"
AtChat :  N : "+CREG: 2"
AtChat :  N : "%CSQ:  31, 99, 5"
AtChat :  N : "+CIEV: 1, 5"
AtChat :  t : "AT+CSCB=0,"50""
AtChat :  N : "+CREG: 1,"000B","25FA""
AtChat :  F : "OK"
AtChat :  f : "AT+CSCB=0,"50""
AtChat :  f : "OK"
AtChat :  t : "AT+COPS=3,2"
AtChat :  f : "AT+COPS=3,2"
AtChat :  f : "OK"
AtChat :  t : "AT+COPS?"
AtChat :  f : "AT+COPS?"
AtChat :  f : "+COPS: 0,2,"74801""
AtChat :  f : "OK"
AtChat :  t : "AT+COPS=3,0"
AtChat :  f : "AT+COPS=3,0"
AtChat :  f : "OK"
AtChat :  t : "AT+COPS?"
AtChat :  f : "AT+COPS?"
AtChat :  f : "+COPS: 0,0,"Antel""
AtChat :  f : "OK"
AtChat :  t : "AT+CSCB=0,"50""
AtChat :  f : "AT+CSCB=0,"50""
AtChat :  f : "OK"
AtChat :  N : "%CSQ:  31, 99, 3"
AtChat :  N : "+CIEV: 1, 5"
AtChat :  N : "+CTZV: 136"
Unable to open '/usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/GMT-34'
QTimeZone::data Can't create a valid data object for 'Etc/GMT-34'
TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid
TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid
TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid
AtChat :  N : "%CSQ:  31, 99, 5"
AtChat :  N : "+CIEV: 1, 5"
TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid
AtChat :  T : ""
AtChat :  W : ""
AtChat :  W : "OK"
TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid
AtChat :  T : "AT+CCFC=0,2"
TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid
TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid
AtChat :  F : "+CCFC: 0,7"
AtChat :  F : "OK"
TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid
TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid

Around here is when the dialog appears, and it keeps printing 
"TimeZoneData::fromUtc invalid" until I select "No".

Hope it's interesting.


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