AUX/Power Button are malfunctioning on 2008.9 + updates from testing

Yaroslav Halchenko at
Tue Sep 2 15:37:01 CEST 2008

Thank you John for taking a shout! looks like very dark magic ;-)

unfortunately haven't seen any effect but may be I've done it wrong?

> * enlightenment_remote -binding-key-add \
>   ANY Execute NONE 1 "delayed_action" "[0.0 exec dbus-send --system --dest=org.openmoko.Power / org.openmoko.Power.Core.RequestResourceState string:cpu string:illume-cmdline string:off] [2.0 halt_now]"
cut paste worked fine

>   enlightenment_remote -binding-key-add \
>   ANY Keycode-177=NONE 1 "simple_lock" ""
didn't work -- do we need "=" before NONE here (it complaints then)? or it should be 

enlightenment_remote -binding-key-add \
ANY Keycode-177 NONE 1 "simple_lock" ""


could I see any 'reaction' in some logs from anything on this binds?
I've just plain pressed the keys and nothing happened

=------------------------------   /v\  ----------------------------=
Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)
Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
                   Linux User    ^^-^^    [175555]

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