Hands dirty on freerunner.edc file , where to begin.

David Samblas dsamblasomdevel at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 16:06:31 CEST 2008

ok first success first mistake

a tab text apears where I want it to apear but seems that interferes in
some way with the qwerty text/button/active zone/whatevercalled and stop

here is the piece of code 

 	 part { name: "kbd";
	    type: RECT;
	    mouse_events: 1;
	    description { state: "default" 0.0;
	       visible: 1;
//	       visible: 0; // sean wants it gone. don't look at me.
	       color: 0 0 0 0;
               rel1 {
		  to_y: "e.swallow.content";
		  to_x: "kbdtext";
	       rel2 {
		  to_x: "kbdtext";
		  to_y: "e.swallow.content";
		  relative: 1.0 1.0;
//		  relative: 0.0 1.0; // sean wants it gone. don't look
		  offset: -1 -1;

 	 part { name: "kbdtext";
	    type: TEXT;
	    mouse_events: 0;
            description { state: "default" 0.0;
	       visible: 1;
//	       visible: 0; // sean wants it gone. don't look at me.
	       align: 0.0 1.0;
	       fixed: 1 1;
	       rel1 {
		  to_y: "e.swallow.content";
		  offset: 1 0;
	       rel2 {
		  to_y: "e.swallow.content";
		  relative: 0.0 1.0;
		  offset: 1 -1;
	       color: 176 176 176 255;
	       text {
		  font: "Liberation-Bold";
		  text: "qwerty";
		  size: 15;
		  min: 1 1;
		  align: 0.0 1.0;
		  text_class: "slipshelf_title";
////////////Ugly and dirty way to put a tap button on upbar////////////
     part { name: "tap";
	    type: RECT;
	    mouse_events: 1;
	    description { state: "default" 0.0;
	       visible: 1;
	       color: 0 0 0 0;
               rel1 {
		  to_y: "e.swallow.content";
		  to_x: "tabtext";
	       rel2 {
		  to_x: "tabtext";
		  to_y: "e.swallow.content";
		  relative: 1.0 1.0;
		  offset: -1 -1;
 	 part { name: "tabtext";
	    type: TEXT;
	    mouse_events: 0;
            description { state: "default" 0.0;
	       visible: 1;
	       align: 1.0 1.0;
	       fixed: 1 1;
	       rel1 {
		  to_y: "e.swallow.content";
		  offset: 1 0;
	       rel2 {
		  to_y: "e.swallow.content";
		  relative: 2.0 1.0;
		  offset: 1 -1;
	       color: 176 176 176 255;
	       text {
		  font: "Liberation-Bold";
		  text: "tab";
		  size: 15;
		  min: 1 1;
		  align: 1.0 1.0;
		  text_class: "slipshelf_title";
//////////////////End ugly hack for tab///////////////////////////////

El jue, 04-09-2008 a las 13:17 +0200, David Samblas escribió:
> Hi there, 
> I want to "simply" add a button/gadget/widget (whatever is called in
> illume) beside the "qwerty" button than launch an script that  rotate
> the screen.
> but after decomplile the  illume-config.edj file I found it a little bit
> more complex than expected :/ 
> I have found where and how the kdb stuff is defined but I don't see any
> clear example on the code that call an external script, all seems
> internall calls to parts of the same edc file?
> Any light on this for this poor newbee?
> Regards

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