No subject

Fri Sep 3 02:29:57 CEST 2010

are not.
Please merge over commits from "master" to "testing" which you think are
critical ones / bug fixes (use <git cherry-pick>).
Since the merge window is almost closed and the final image is going to
be built soon (see below), I'd like to ask you to do so as soon as
possible :)

Thanks for your attention, this is a non-smoking flight...

Good night


On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 13:02 +0100, Mirko Vogt wrote:
> Hey folks,
> since restructuring the git repository is now completed (thanks a lot to
> Xiangfu at this point) and _lot's_ of fixes and updates have been
> applied into the git repository since the last image got released, we
> now have - guess what? - a new (testing) image[1]! :)
> As last time it's marked as "testing" for now.
> That means, from now on a merge window of 1 week got opened - feedback
> is highly appreciated!
> I created a "testing" branch which is based on the commit the testing
> image was was built from.
> The idea is to merge over _just_ patches, which fix essential / critical
> stuff, into the "testing" branch while the merge window is open.
> That way the "master"-branch will stay open for enhancements and new
> features, while we can ensure the testing-branch will not get
> accidentally broken but stabilized for the actual release image.
> A summarized change log of major improvements / changes:
>  - heavily restructured git repository to make it more easy to track
> changes with upstream
>  - change rootfs size from 256MB to 512MB
>  - switch back to uclibc, since we experienced issues with
> 0.9.32 which are going to be investigated
>  - all used toolkits (sdl, gtk2, qt4) are working again
>  - lot's of packages - within the openwrt-packages as well as in the
> qi-packages repository - have been updated to fit more the needs of
> NanoNote users
>  - lot's of new and fixed packages have been added to the default config
> and therewith image
>  - the toolchain and SDK are now built by default to simplify
> development and cross-compiling / -linking of software
> That's just the major points - lot's of (other) fixes have been merged
> into the image, as well as lot's of new software ports.
> For more information please review the git log (since the restructuring,
> to get the full picture, relevant commits are split into the master- as
> well as in the history-branch).
> Happy hacking!
> Cheers
> mirko
> [1]

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