Uptime? (Suspend/Resume and GSM not off part)

Tim Niemeyer tim.niemeyer at mastersword.de
Sat Apr 5 20:10:16 CEST 2008

Hallo Andy,

* Andy Powell <openmoko at automated.it> [05-04-08 18:35]:
> On Saturday 05 April 2008 14:51, Tim Niemeyer wrote:
> > Hallo,
> >
> > if you mean that the GSM is directly connected to the battery, than it
> > is no hardware BUG, more a bad feature. Not really a big problem because
> > the modem should be on all the time...
> Errmm.. no.. it is a hardware bug. The modem should turn off when you power 
> down the device, ie when it's off the gsm modem should be off. If it's 
> connected to the battery how are you going to turn it off? In addition to 
> that, how would you turn your device to flight  mode?
It's a design failure... 
It's really not very nice, but it is possible to shutdown the modem with AT at OFF

GSM Shutdown isn't relly a problem for the real uptime, it's a problem
if we power off the device, but if we want to use the device we need the modem
or we can power off through AT Commands. So flight mode is possible!

If the device can suspend and resume correctly we could use it much
longer so we hopfully won't never run in the "cpu-off/gsm-on by battery low"

And if we could use the device with suspend/resume, i think more people
would automatically test the userspace software by using it! If we have more
people we only need a nice bug buddy system so that the user could easily 
report bugs directly from neo! (eventuelly over GPRS or so)

Tim Niemeyer
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