How to sync date of Neo 1973?

Marcus Bauer marcus.bauer at
Tue Jun 10 22:11:27 CEST 2008

On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 21:23 +0200, Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:
> Hello,
> It doesn't seem like the images for Neo 1973 have the 'ntpdate'
> command (or any oher ntp command). Have I missed something or is it
> not available?
> If no 'ntp*' commands are available, how do I sync date & time of my
> Neo wih one of my servers?
> I see that the rdate command is therer, however, this is outdated and
> not available from my servers.

Out of old habits I use ntpdate

opkg install ntpdate

/etc/init.d/ntpdate start #does *not* start but sync once

don't forget to set the hardware clock or cleanly shut down, otherwise
after the next boot you will have some bogus time again.

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