Distribution weekly update

John Lee john_lee at openmoko.com
Sat Feb 23 10:16:16 CET 2008


We're switching the kernel to 2.6.24 this week.  The userspace
requires multiple changes:


Initial works have been done but problems are expected.  Please
report issues you encountered to help us fixing them.  The biggest
drawback is that the latest rootfs will not work with 2.6.22, but we
intend to fix problems in 2.6.24 and move forward.

The u-boot we're building has quite some differences with 1.2.0.  The
most obvious one is perhaps the change of device number from 1457:5119
to 1d50:5119.

gnash has been added to our feed as the first attempt to bring flash
on neo.  However, the performance on gta01 is really bad.  Building
qtopia-phone with MACHINE=fic-gta02 will break atm, but that's going
to change.

We're trying to add more packages into the feed, so if you know OE,
please tell us what's able and interesting to put in OM.


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