size of the Applications page

Michael Shiloh michael at
Tue Sep 23 08:38:39 CEST 2008

Minh Ha Duong wrote:
>> Yes, exactly, but i would break the larger groups into further sub-groups:
> Sticking to the Freedesktop standard as much as possible. And that level of 
> granularity is will be needed only when there are much more applications to 
> describe, so it's not urgent.

Sounds good.

>> (Can we add the nice little navigation menu, or do we need Brenda or Roh
>> to do that since it's outside of the wiki?)
> We already have the CategoryTree extension which is a navigation menu. 

I'll have to see. I have specific instructions from up on high regarding 
ease of navigation that need to be addressed.

> I am 
> not sure about the "nice" part, but restyling is out of our reach.

But we can request as needed (understanding that implementation may or 
may not happen).

>> (Looking at your work, I think it might be nice to have a single word
>> stating the code maturity, perhaps only 3 simple options like prototype,
>> functional, mature.)
> Why not stick with pre-alpha, alpha, beta, stable, mature ?

I agree, but...

The target audience for the "Applications" page is more user and less 
developer hacker. Thus, we want to make it easy for them to find 
applications they are interested in. The casual user may not understand 
the difference between, for example, pre-alpha, alpha, and beta. They 
want to know does it work or does it not work. As long as we explain 
this somewhere I think it's OK. It might be OK to have the explanation 
not on the "Applications" page (or sub-page), but rather, on the 
application's page. Perhaps. I'm not sure.
>> (Also, since some applications won't run on all distros, it might be
>> smart to have a line indicating which distros this app will work with.)
> Yes, "tested on"

Ah! Perfect.

>  Let's keep it as simple as possible. It is NOT the function of a wiki to 
> manage a directory of applications. So while it is possible, to make it 
> proporly will be hackish and technically complicated.

Agreed 100%

>>  > And this:
>> Argh! Another one of those manually created lists I so hate. Poorly
>> written description as well. Argh! I propose we get rid of this page as
>> soon as we've confirmed that all programs discussed here are mentioned
>> in the appropriate place: Applications on the applications page, all
>> other programs in the relevant sections.
> Yes, but see my previous mail. We want to provide a clear and simple procedure 
> for people to register their application in the wiki.
> Minh
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