[patch] gsmd mux

Jim Rayner openmoko at jrayner.com
Tue Oct 30 13:18:48 CET 2007


This patch adds 27.010 mux support to gsmd

svn diff compared to revision 3304 openmoko svn

This code needs to be used with a mux line discipline, based on
openezx code, to be sent next

To run gsmd muxed ..

./gsmd -p /dev/ttyS0 -c 2

Where c is the number of channels you wish to open.
As an aid to debugging if the mux fails to start then gsmd will drop
back to non mux mode.

I have tried to minimise the impact on gsmd but my personal belief is
that we should consider mux design requirements earlier rather than
later, that is why I have submitted it now

If this patch is accepted then I believe it may be good to do the ATZ
and daemonize gsmd before trying to start the mux to minimise latency
for the user.

I have not tried this with openmoko hw so some changes are likely for
TI, particularly the mux line disc.

>From previous work with a TI based stack I think it sends a AT-Command
Interpreter message on every channel, so may not wish to call
gsmd_initsettings in ml_parse for every channel.

Also be aware that muxed AT channels may not behave the same as non
muxed, in terms of line feeds and carriage returns.

If it fails on hw or PC then send me the logs and I'll will do my best
to remotely debug

Best regards,
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Url : http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/gsmd-devel/attachments/20071030/e83483ff/gsmd_mux.patch.tar.bin

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