staging with toolchain

John Lee john_lee at
Mon Dec 10 16:54:54 CET 2007

On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 04:34:23PM +0200, Emre Turkay wrote:
> That's what I tried to do but om-conf script does not accept prefix
> command line argument.

Hi Emre,


User configuraion

May edit variables in scripts/script-env

If the application need extra configure or autoreconf arguments, they
could be specified when executing `':

$ EXTRA_OECONF=" --without-foo --enable-bar" om-conf <myapp>

Can specify your own ipkg control file, if you know what you're doing:

$ om-make-ipkg myapp myapp_control

I should have add that argument to the script but I just want to give
it out to get comments as early as possible.  Thanks for your feedback
and I'll add that in the next version, which should be out fairly

- John

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