Please no crossposting! Re: Information regarding the Messaging Support in OpenMoko

Knight Walker moko at
Wed Jan 31 21:18:37 CET 2007

On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 12:04:49PM -0800, Jon Phillips wrote:
> That's good to know. Also, who uses MMS? Seems like the typical user
> would just email and attach media and/or just s/ftp

Typically (from my experience) the average MMS user has a camera-phone
and is sending snapshots to me.  The typical user doesn't e-mail from
their phone and has no idea what (s)ftp is.  Also, with my provider,
if someone (Usually a computer I'm monitoring) e-mails me a message
that is too large to fit in an SMS, it comes in as an MMS.


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