D-Bus usage

Tilman Baumann tilman at baumann.name
Thu Feb 28 13:38:13 CET 2008

Shawn Rutledge wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Tilman Baumann <tilman at baumann.name> wrote:
>> First, im not in any way a authority on this.
>>  But i would say classic IPC is everything but d-bus.
> Well it's not old enough to be classic yet.  :-)
> But I'm curious, what do you dislike about using it for IPC?  (I'm
> just learning how to use it.)
Foremost Performance.

D-Bus is a abused unix domain socket interface for broadcasts and multicast.
IPC is usually somethig the OS provides you at a basic level. Signals, 
semaphores and of course shared memory...

It really depends on what do you want. You would not use d-bus for 
syncronizing threads. But you would use d-bus for signalling other 
programs that any event has occurred. Or that you need some things done 
by other daemons.

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