Ublox AGPS On-line impelementation

matt_hsu matt_hsu at openmoko.org
Fri Jun 6 13:50:09 CEST 2008

Hi all,

According to previous mail in community list, there is a perl version of
AGPS on-line implementation. But it requires to install many packages.
The following is the C implementation.


Here is a brief script to run this application:


echo 1 >/sys/bus/platform/drivers/neo1973-pm-gps/neo1973-pm-gps.0/pwron

./agps-onlinec -c full -u youraccount -k yourpasswd -la 25.073270 -lo
121.574805 -p 999999.00

cat /dev/ttySAC1

Please make sure you have either WiFi connection or GPRS connection
before running this.
The TTFF should be about 15 seconds after applying this program, if you
are in a good environment such as open sky.



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