GSM flow-control non-functional on GTA01 (and possibly GTA02)

Flemming Richter Mikkelsen quatrox at
Mon Apr 28 22:20:18 CEST 2008

On 4/28/08, Andy Green <andy at> wrote:
> The FIQ is only lightly used actually, so as not to eat power the bulk
> of the time no FIQs occur.  Only when we want to do something like read
> the battery state it runs a timer to cause FIQs.  At all other times it
> doesn't hurt if the FIQ source is something different since no timer
> events will come.

This sounds strange to me. Why do we use FIQ to run a timer when we
have RTC and why is this needed for reading the battery state? I think
this can be solved in other ways.

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