[PATCH Try#2] introduce-bq27000-battery-driver.patch

Neng-Yu Tu (Tony Tu) tony at openmoko.com
Fri Feb 15 03:58:53 CET 2008

> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> ''capacity    0
> charge_full    1215585
> current_now    183375
> present    1
> status    Discharging
> technology    Li-ion
> temp    276
> time_to_empty_now    0
> time_to_full_now    3932100
> type    Battery
> voltage_now    2761000
> Note that temp is in 1/10 degrees C, other values are in uV,
> uA, uW.  The time_to_* reported are bogus, but that is what
> the battery actually reports.''
> Those time estimates are bogus because that battery was never charged at
> that time.  The values are sensible once the charger patches are applied
> (some of which are still coming), particularly "capacity" works nicely,
> it's a percentage -- as you can see that battery was getting pretty empty.

Willie and our hardware people just meet battery vendor yesterday, and 
they required some parameter from us to make the coulomb work more 
_smart_ . I will update these parameters if hardware side finish the 
experiment today. Current parameter inside coulomb battery was some 
_default_ value, and these value might not reveal really battery 
performance. And wirting/re-program the battery need external 21v power 
and special fixture to erase eeprom inside the PCBA.

And the battery self update rate is about 2.5 sec, so the hdq 
application won't need visit battery so often.

Tony Tu

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