trying Qi

HackCandy hackhell.candy at
Mon Feb 2 16:35:05 CET 2009

Hello Werner,

Sorry to disturb you. 
a) I checked out the following files:
svn co{myroot,poke,pmu,wkalrm,smallsys}
b) Also, checked out, to the folder
c) In building the rootfs step,
when I run "sudo ../myroot/myroot small.myroot"

it stops saying: 
svn checkout

So, i edited myroot and included the path to werner folder as follows:
SVN=/mnt/extLinux/werner/werner <line 38, myroot>

Now, it proceeds and gives me the following error:

Creating /mnt/extLinux/fun/smallsys/root
Collected errors:
 * Could not obtain administrative lock
Collected errors:
 * Could not obtain administrative lock
Collected errors:
 * Could not obtain administrative lock
Collected errors:
 * Could not obtain administrative lock
ln: accessing `usr/bin/gpio': Not a directory
rm: cannot remove `usr/lib/opkg/lists/*': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `sbin/*.26': No such file or directory
cd: 219: can't cd to /mnt/extLinux/fun/smallsys/root/usr/lib/opkg/info
../myroot/myroot: 224: ./*.postinst: not found
rm: cannot remove `*.postinst': No such file or directory

And the resulting root folder is only 96K. I am missing something.
Do I have to install something or am i not having some of your local files?
Also, I am not seeing poke, wkalarm etc. getting compiled. 

Please help.

- HHC.

Werner Almesberger wrote:
> HackCandy wrote:
>> Can you please put your tiny RFS in downloads
>> for the chopped config file gta02-micro_defconfig 
>> placed in the configs folder?
> I have a better idea :-) You can make it yourself. It's easier than
> you might think.
> I've updated the build instructions in
> such that they don't assume that you already have our whole SVN tree
> checked out.
> - Werner

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