Worrisome output from "opkg -test update" in 2007.2

Dale Schumacher dale.schumacher at gmail.com
Sun Aug 3 19:43:02 CEST 2008

On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 11:46 AM, Olivier Berger <oberger at ouvaton.org> wrote:
> "Dale Schumacher" <dale.schumacher at gmail.com> writes:
>> Thank you.  I really appreciate the work-around for gtk+.
>> However I think this represents an example of a deeper issue.  How
>> many -force-depends, -nodeps or remove foo / install bar are we
>> expecting new users to navigate when trying to upgrade from their
>> factory configurations?  Is it not possible to get the package
>> dependencies properly defined so that opkg will "just work"?
> I suppose you'd like to check
> https://docs.openmoko.org/trac/ticket/1650 which seems to explain
> where the issue comes from, AFAICT... maybe this will enlighten you a
> bit more ?

Yes.  I am aware of this ticket.  I did read it.

The point is that the package dependencies shouldn't be configured in
a way that requires manual override.  On another thread it was
suggested that a package configuration change might make this issue go
away without needing special end-user voodoo.  I would make the
package change myself, but 1) I don't know how and 2) expect I don't
have access rights to make such a change.  I'm asking for those who 1)
know how and 2) have the proper access right, to make the appropriate

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