gta02, 2007.2: frequent wakeups -- creating workaround

arne anka openmoko at
Tue Aug 12 14:44:24 CEST 2008

> Well, I think I figured it out a little myself.  Maybe I'm doing it
> wrong, but those chat commands take a long time to run on my Neo.

i do
echo -e "AT..." | libgsmd-tool -m atcmd
and there's no significant delay.

> There's no way they were run before the device entered suspend when I
> put them in the /etc/apm/suspend.d/ folder.  Does your suspend script
> take several minutes to run?  Each chat command I run takes about 45
> seconds.

see above.
i am still not sure if my script in /etc/apm/suspend.d/ is read on suspend  
(had to run it by hand), so i'd like to check that before posting.

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