gta02, 2007.2: frequent wakeups -- creating workaround

arne anka openmoko at
Wed Aug 13 15:08:22 CEST 2008

> I finally got around to checking this.  The script runs instantly when
> I have cell registration.  So, that explains why my script was taking
> so long.  But what can I do about it?

you could check if you have registration, someway along
echo -n "csr" | libgsmd-tool -m shell
and read the return.

> If I've suspended my Neo, I
> wouldn't want it waking up (and corrupting the SD card) as soon as I
> move into a cell tower's range...

well, i am still curios inhowfar resume_reason!=GSM is different from  
resume_reason==GSM ...

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