Debian freezes

Sascha Wessel wessel at
Tue Dec 2 09:54:39 CET 2008


On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 08:09:21AM +0100, Jelle De Loecker wrote:
> >From time to time, when I'm downloading certain files through apt-get,
> svn or cvs, or when I'm trying to compile something directly on my
> freerunner, it would just lock up. Freeze completely.
> I have to take out the batteries and restart the phone again.
> Unfortunately, when compiling the shr applications, it always starts
> from the beginning. So I can't "resume" a compile after one of these
> freezes.
> I haven't enabled the freerunner to go auto-standby.

I had the same problem some time ago: after some i/o intensive tasks
all fork/clone calls failed (reproducible).

Since then I'm just running another kernel (not from the official
debian repository) and I never saw the issue again...


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