bad time_and_date from gpsd again

Al Johnson openmoko at
Wed Jan 14 19:50:40 CET 2009

On Wednesday 14 January 2009, Sten Kvamme wrote:
> The following shows some strange behaviour from gpsd. The current time
> is 19.18 and year 2008-01-14. Why is the time incorrect from gpsd?
> root at om-gta01:~# telnet localhost 2947
> d
> GPSD,D=1999-11-30T23:59:46.00Z

Because that's the time that it cold starts with, and will keep reporting it 
until it gets the correct time from a satellite. If you feed it a time with 
an AID-INI message then it'll report that time until it gets the correct one 
from a satellite. The correct time is one of the first things it picks up, so 
it will appear even before it has a location fix.

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