Flashing NAND from NAND

Joachim Ott jo.omsl at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 18 17:25:21 CEST 2009

2009/10/18 Atilla Filiz <atilla.filiz at gmail.com>:
> Hello
> I have a blank NOR and didn't have time to hack and flash it(don't want to
> buy a debug board). Is it safe to boot into NAND u-boot menu and flash a new
> bootloader to NAND? Probably not a good idea.

To flash something via USB cable with dfu-util you have to be in the
NOR boot menu. But it's totally legal to reflash /dev/mtd1 (u-boot),
mtd2 (u-boot_env) or mtd3 (kernel) when you have booted into the
rootfs in NAND. When you've booted from sd-card, you can reflash mtd6
(rootfs) too. Use flash_eraseall and nand_write for this.

Writing to /dev/mtd0 (NOR boot) is possible without debug board too,
you need need to enable write access to it. See

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