[Raster] safe repo?

gromez gromez at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 08:39:56 CEST 2008

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 7:04 AM, Joel Newkirk <freerunner at newkirk.us> wrote:
> What package feeds are safe to use with the Raster image? (what about
> Raster plus frameworkd & zhone?)
> I bricked my FR a few times making the mistake of doing "opkg upgrade"
> against the FSO-unstable feed I set up to get frameworkd and zhone.  As
> long as I manually opkg what I want from that feed I'm fine, but an 'opkg
> upgrade" tries to replace most of E - Enlightenment segv's a couple times,
> and on shutdown/reboot it hangs (often with an unclickable segv alter
> onscreen) and I can remain SSH'd to it, where I see exquisite-write sucking
> up 95%+ CPU.  If I manage to shut down at that point, booting freezes when
> the kernel is up and the first boot progress screen comes up - I see the
> 'E' logo and an vertical white line marking the leftmost edge of the
> progress bar.  Brick.  (unfortunately I was doing all this with a
> reconstruction script right after flashing, so it took me a couple
> reflashes to realize I was causing the problem ;)

I've updated yesterday and I have the same problem after the big *e* upgrade.
The progress bar of the boot screen didn't start and I can't see any
error message.
Is there a way to disable the splash in order to find a solution to
this problem ?

OS : Raster image + uImage-gta02-g291a9d50_mwester-stable + FSO unstable feeds


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