Unabel to SSH into Neo Freerunner

Niels Heyvaert nielsheyvaert at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 8 23:52:08 CEST 2009

And so, it worked.

As usual, this turned out to be an RTFM problem.

I had to use eth2 instead of usb0. By looking at ifconfig -a and dmesg I was able to see that the MAC address on eth2 was the same as the one of the new USB device... This is actually mentioned on the wiki page we were referring to.

I tend to skip to the code snippets and only read the paragraphs above and below... Need to take more time to read the valuable bits of text preceding those snippets.

Let's hope I learned something from it.

Thanks for the help.

Microsoft gives you windows, Linux gives you the whole house.

> From: dfokkema at ileos.nl
> To: community at lists.openmoko.org
> Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2009 22:37:27 +0200
> Subject: RE: Unabel to SSH into Neo Freerunner
> On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 20:08 +0000, Niels Heyvaert wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> So far no luck with getting an SSH connection to the FreeRunner.
>> I've followed the wiki man pages to the letter
>> (http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/USB_Networking) as Angus suggests. But
>> this did not change the result.
> Er... there are a lot of alternatives presented there. You need to be
> more specific, I'm afraid.
>> Basically these were the same steps I was already doing (except I need
>> to modprobe g_ehter first).
> You really don't. Really. I mean it.
> Modprobing g_ether shows up two new usb devices on my machine which are
> both not my freerunner. I'm using ubuntu 9.04, just like you.
>> I'm still getting the no route to host error.
> Understandable.
>> Disabling my PC wlan connection does not help.
> Correct.
>> Any thoughts?
> I'm pretty sure my previous post (and some other posts as well) pretty
> much sums it all up:
> http://lists.openmoko.org/nabble.html#nabble-td3401779|a3402898
> If you follow that to the letter, one new interface showed up. That is
> your freerunner.
> Good luck!
> David
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