about the cases

Rui Miguel Silva Seabra rms at 1407.org
Mon Dec 12 11:47:07 CET 2011

On Mon, 12 Dec 2011 10:04:31 +0100
"Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller" <hns at goldelico.com> wrote:
> Anyways, they aren't of big help since the components inserted into
> the case (earpiece, vibracall motor, speaker) are no longer produced
> or available.
> So we have to go the painful way of designing our own cases. But the
> good side is that we can improve on the outer shape and look&feel.

That's too bad, but the outer shape was awesome (except for the
excessively huge bevel, there should be some, but not so much).

The Freerunner has an awesome format to be held horizontally on your
hands, with the pointer finger around the curve (a natural fit) and the
thumbs to press on the surface.

Too bad it's not good enough hardware to take that advantage in hands,
but it's an awesome shape that Apple won't sue you for :)


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