Using the micro-SD card

Mikko Rauhala mjrauhal at
Thu Aug 23 10:04:06 CEST 2007

to, 2007-08-23 kello 18:44 +1200, Paul Eggleton kirjoitti:
> If possible, I'm thinking it would be better to use the usb gadget storage 
> driver to provide a usb storage device on the Neo and point it at the card 
> (after mounting). Then both the phone and the PC can access the card at the 
> same time.

Nuh-uh. If two systems access a filesystem (not designed spesifically
for that) on a block level simultaneously, you'll get horrible trouble.

Better to serve up Neo's card over usbnet. SFTP is there already; maybe
a case could be made for Samba, but it would take some room...

Mikko Rauhala   - mjr at     - <URL:>
Transhumanist   - WTA member     - <URL:>
Singularitarian - SIAI supporter - <URL:>

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