(qtmoko) Nothing?

Paul paul at nlpagan.net
Sat Apr 11 22:39:42 CEST 2009

>> Only little problem now is: when I tap the phone dialer icon (far left), 
>> the system crashes with "Application layer service unexpectedly 
>> terminated", and it drops out of graphics mode.
> Hmm not sure what this can be.

Right, this only happened at the first boot after install. After a  
reboot it works okay. So that's okay.
On with playing...  :-)

Many individuals have, like uncut diamonds,
shining qualities beneath a rough exterior.
-Juvenal (poet c. 60-140)

MHC - Mandriva 2009.0, Ubuntu 8.10, EasyPeasy 1.1rc2
(Before printing this mail: consider the environment!)

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