is my GTA02 getting old?

Al Johnson openmoko at
Tue Dec 11 12:24:09 CET 2012

On Monday 10 December 2012 23:52:56 Ed Kapitein wrote:
> Are the batteries with the coulomb counter for the GTA02, still
> produced, or are they  of the same age as the original FR's?
> If so, they must be near the end of their shelf life, is a compatible
> battery (with a coulomb counter) available?
> I have one battery that is very dead an two that are getting old and
> have to be recharged more often.

I doubt they're still being made, but you can probably get a definitive answer 
from Pulster or GoldenDelicious. The SANYO UF653450S they contain still seems 
to be available, so sticking the controller board on a new cell should be 
possible. Of course they could be old stock too. My reading of the BQ27000 
datasheet is that it'll get a power-on-reset when the new cell is attached, 
and should then learn the new cell capacity. I may have missed something 
important though.

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