[QT*] unpredictive keyboard

Franky Van Liedekerke liedekef at telenet.be
Sun Apr 26 15:15:07 CEST 2009

On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 11:36:26 +0200
Franky Van Liedekerke <liedekef at telenet.be> wrote:

> never mind ...  wrong copy, ok now :-)
> Although I still believe no dictionaries should be updated when in
> non-predictive mode. I would also like not to have to click on a word
> before being able to enter a space and continue to the next word, so
> default accept would be nice as well in unpredictive mode ...
> Probably KeyboardWidget::acceptWord() and OptionsWindow::acceptWord()
> can benefit from you changes :-)

Hi Leonardo,

I've changed your patch a bit:

- no more dictionary updates for non-predictive keyboard
- disabled the animation for non-predictive keyboard (where the
  selected word was "pulled" into the correct place, it is nice but a
  bit overkill and too slow).

Please check it out, I provided a .so file here:
For the changes:

I've already build a new image with this (not online yet, since I'm
setting it up on a new space). A visual hint for prediciveness would be
nice, but I leave that up to you :-)

And a question: wouldn't it be more logical to add a space by default
after each word? It was like that once I believe ...
Also, the capitalization is not working that good, maybe that can be
off as well, or maybe that can be another option (left-bottom=>
right-up stroke + visual confirmation).


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